What not to do with on prem virtualization
Common misconfigurations in on prem VM environments

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Breaching Unicorns
Common misconfigurations in on prem VM environments
Erreurs courantes liées à la virtualisation, et exemples d’exploitation
The Tales of the Crimson Foes
A compilation of red team and pentest stories
Introduction to malware sandboxes fingerprinting
How to pwn OSCP labs and exams ! (100 + 10 / 100 points)
Completion of the primary objective
Reverse Engineering a famous Harley’s tuner
Finding my ways to the firmware of a famous Harley tuner
Captcha reuse in Aliexpress login form
Buying cheap routers to find vulnerabilities in them
This is a write up for one of the FCSC (French Cyber Security Challenge) reverse engineering challenges.